Friday, September 30, 2011

OWNIOTS 2 : About the name Owniots™


About the name Owniots™

I was looking for a word dealing with ownership that had never before been used and by the process of trial and error found OWNIOTS, which fit the bill quite well, giving zero hits on Google on September 30, 2011.

Needless to say, Owniots™ is a trademark of Andis Kaulins as of this day, marking this blog.

If you use the word Owniots for commercial profit, please be aware the we "own" the word, and you could be liable for heavy IP infringement damage payments.

After all, if Apple, Inc. can lodge a monopolistic claim to a common word like apple, then a newly coined word like Owniots is a natural "owning" ;-)

There are only 11 main words in the English language that otherwise end in -iots and the Google spell-checker does not recognize 6 of them. Owniots is the magical twelfth. Who "owns" these words?
  • chariots - ox carts were the proto-chariots, followed by horse-drawn "cars" as two-wheelers, which gave rise to the spoked wheel, and then ultimately the bicycle and its motorized comparable, the automobile
  • cheviots - are a type of sheep, or its wool or cloth made from it, originating in the region of Northumberland and the Scottish Borders
  • compatriots -  "fellow" countrymen, companions or colleagues
  • galiots viz. galliots - plural of galiot viz. galliot, a type of sailing ships
  • griots - West African bards, storytellers, viz. wandering minstrels
  • heriots - rights of a lord to the arms and equipment of his fallen soldiers
  • idiots - incompetents, persons exhibiting great folly or stupidity, yahoos
  • owniots (new) - supporters of ownership and property rights
  • patriots - supporters of the fatherland
  • riots - civil disorders by larger, disorganized groups or groupings
  • superpatriots - sometimes over-excessive supporters of the fatherland
  • symbiots - entities marked by close, symbiotic, often interdependent interactions, as in plant biology

OWNIOTS 1 : Owniots is An Ownership Blog re Modern Concepts of Property and Ownership: Why Own at All?


An Ownership Blog re Modern Concepts of Property and Ownership

Why Own at All?

Why Owniots?

Take a look at our LawPundit posting on German Pirate Party Wins 15 of 130 Seats in Berlin as Internet Activist Movement to Reform Patent and Copyright Laws in the Digital Age.

The focal idea of this blog is that property ownership in the modern world is in a state of change and turmoil.

We need look only to the avoidable chaos in intellectual property law (copyrights, trademarks, patents) to see that prevailing ownership concepts are outdated and in need of revision.

Ownership affect us all. Not only do we ourselves "own" things, but we are also "owned", by our political parties, by our views, by our religious affiliations, by our weaknesses, etc.

Indeed, how do we properly define "ownership"? And to what degree is ownership a product not only of necessity, but also the desire for control?

We are all Owniots, sometimes to our own(ing) detriment.
How much ownership is healthy?

OWNERSHIP in a world globally under lock and key is the prevailing philosophical principle upon which modern society is based. "Having" and "not having" are fundamental states-of-the-art of the human condition.

Ponder how much of your daily activity is guided by "owning" and "having".

Indeed, who you are is often defined by what you have -- or do not have, and that can be quite widely defined.

See e.g. Wendy Richmond at What do you own?

Some years ago, someone we know bought the first Mercedes Benz automobile with ABS. When asked what ABS was, he said he did not know, but, he said "I have it".

We all need to ponder: what do we own or think we own? how do we own it? why do we own it? and does that owning make sense today and in the future?

We need to re-examine what is PUBLICLY owned, what is INDIVIDUALLY owned, what is SHARED, and how we assign the RIGHTS that attach to ownership and sharing.

An initial positive movement in the direction of more modern ownership by sharing is the Creative Commons, and more like it are sure to come.