Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Poverty and Income: What is the "Real" Poverty Rate? via Paul Mattessich at Wilder Moments

Paul Mattessich at Wilder Moments
via the Minnesota Twin Cities Daily Planet
discusses What is the "real" poverty rate?,
an important parameter that reflects employment, income, benefits and ownership in America.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Social Capitalism May Just Be the Doctrine of Tomorrow: Navigating the Socio-Economic Future with the Right Navigator

Is "social capitalism" or "sociocapitalism" the new doctrine of the future?

To understand the world, we have to know where we were, where we are, and where we are going.

Many people do not care for history, so they do not know where we were.

Many people are not happy with where we are, and are concerned more with where we should be.

Many people try not to figure out where we are going, because like travelers dependent on GPS, who needs a map when you have a navigator?

For many people, that navigator in their world is their own political, economic and religious belief system, which tells them what to do and where to go.

But what if their navigator is out of date?
What if they have not "downloaded" the most recent update?
What then?

Such in fact may be the case for many people following what are arguably outdated non-updated doctrines in the political, economic and religious sphere.

The modern world has changed and is continuing to change, and the doctrines -- or navigators -- that people follow, surely should be "updated" to match the times, so that people get to where they think they are going and want to be.

A good argument can be made that something called "social capitalism" or "sociocapitalism" is emerging as THE NEW DOCTRINE.

R. Jagannathan in Socio-capitalism set to become the new economic doctrine? writes as follows:
"Socio-capitalism is an idea whose time has come. It may not be easy to define what it embraces, but what it abandons is clear: market and ideological fundamentalism."
If that actually turns out to be true, and there is much evidence that it IS or WILL BE true, then the adherents of fundamentalism in political, economic and religious spheres are following doctrines that are on the wane.

Something else is actually coming, now and in the future.

Today's Young Generation: The Really Hip Socially Responsible Hipster Entrepreneurial Generation: "Generation Sell" and Small Business Enterprise as the Ideal Social Form

Back to the basics?

What is the "really hip" Entrepreneurial Generation?

William Deresiewicz at the New York Times Sunday Review
has a sparkling analysis at Generation Sell

in which he discusses today's young generation and its character
as being marked by "social entrepreneurship"
-- the preferred way to make money responsibly via small businesses.


Capitalism and social conscience combined?
Social capitalism?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mortgage Rates Lowest Ever

Diane Tuman at Zillow Blog on History of Mortgage Rates writes:
"We keep hearing that mortgage rates are the lowest in recorded history and it is true. Presently, the 30-year fixed rate on Zillow Mortgage Marketplace is 3.88 percent, the 15-year fixed is 3.35 percent and the 5/1 ARM is 2.81 percent."